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Water is Life


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Project Start

We embarked on the journey to provide clean water by identifying communities in need and planning the construction of water wells.

Milestone 1

Begin securing donations, collaborating with local organizations, and initiating the construction of the first water wells.

Milestone 2

Successfully complete the construction of the initial set of wells, providing thousands of liters of clean water to communities in Cameroon, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

Milestone 3

Expand our efforts to build additional wells, aiming to reach more regions and benefit an even larger population.

Milestone 4

Partner with local organizations to ensure the sustainability and maintenance of the wells, guaranteeing long-term access to clean water.

Milestone 5

Reach the milestone of 100 wells, significantly impacting the lives of 300-500K+ people by providing them with clean and safe drinking water.

What is the ‘Water is Life’ Campaign?

Clean water is something EVERYONE needs to survive. Beast Philanthropy is committed to making this valuable resource accessible to more communities around the world by funding and building water wells that will provide clean and safe drinking water to tens of thousands of people across the globe.

How You Can Help

The 100 wells we built will help 300-500K+ people across Cameroon, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe over their lifetime. However, around 2 billion people around the world do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. That’s about 25% of the entire planet! Clean wells can range from just a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands depending on the scope and needs of the local community but can provide almost unlimited drinking water to people very quickly. We need your help to solve this problem! Each donation on this page helps Beast Philanthropy partner with vetted and approved local organizations across the world to achieve this goal, who are not only connected to but part of the community and know their needs intimately. Each well that Beast Philanthropy funds will produce thousands of liters of drinking water for people who need it! Every dollar donated using this link will be used to fund the building of water wells and provide clean, safe drinking water.

Together we have the resources to help make a major dent in this issue and make sure families, kids, and communities have fresh water to drink, clean their homes and clothes, cook their food, and sustain their farms and livestock. We can help reduce disease, bolster education, increase time with family, and lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. As they say in many places across Africa – WATER IS LIFE. So, help us give life to those who need it.

Ongoing Support

With the dedication of our Beast Philanthropy community members like you, we remain committed to our mission to provide clean water and improve the quality of life for communities worldwide. Your ongoing support is crucial in achieving lasting change.